Viable home mold test kit is a DIY mold testing kit that tests for mold that is still living. Only viable (living) mold can multiply in your home. However, dead mold is also a health hazard and should be removed.
There are many reasons to test for viable mold in your home or office. Mold in your house is unsightly. When viable, mold can continue growing on damp building materials causing thousands of dollars of damage to your biggest investment – your home.
More importantly, there’s evidence that mold is associated with certain health problems. Mold can worsen or cause allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems.
Viable home mold test kit for air quality test
The MF viable mold test kit collects airborne mold and yeast so that a lab can determine for you if there are dangerous growth colonies in your home, such as black mold.
When you can’t see mold growing anywhere, but you suspect it may be there because of a musty smell or earthy odor, use the MF viable home mold test kit for air quality testing. All you need to do is expose the kits in your home’s air for 30-60 minutes.
This test requires to “culture” (the mold needs time to grow on the medium’s surface) before we can send you the results. Results are available in 7-15 days after we receive your viable home mold testing kit samples depending on the level of identification required.

MF viable mold test kit is one of the easiest mold detector to use. However, it is important to understand the limitations of the MF viable mold test kit. The media may not support the growth of some types of molds that may be present in your home or office. Also, very light, small spores may continue floating in the air and take too long to settle on the media and hence would not be detected. Due to this limitations, we recommend using the rental pump air sampling kit. But, if you decide the viable home mold test kit meets your needs, it is preferable to collect samples from more than one place, including problem and non-problem areas and an outdoor sample. The laboratory will compare the types of mold in the outdoor sample with those of the indoor samples to help them determine if the mold in your home originated from outside or has growth sources indoors.